• June 28, 2018

10 Bizarre Phobias

Some people are afraid of spiders. Others heights. But there are some phobias that are less common and certainly more unsettling.

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15 thoughts on “10 Bizarre Phobias

    1. Yup, sex and anything sex related (nudity, vulnerability, wet dreams, etc) is my main one but I’m also phobic about loneliness, water (specifically droplets of water or just lukewarm water hitting my skin), loud noises, nosebleeds, blindness (both related to darkness and brightness), failure, spiders, my own reflection, overly crowded spaces, and virtually any form of pain you can think of which usually involve needles, bees and their stingers, crossing the street and getting hit by a car, seeing my own blood, tight spaces or choking, drowning, getting burned or becoming frozen, thunder and lightning, and even falling – the specifics of my phobia of pain could go on forever. Sex might also be included in that spectrum of pain, too, I suppose. I think I might even be a Panophobe because it seems I have SO many phobias… Ugh, I HATE it!

  1. I have this weird fear of looking ugly if I died. Like if I got my head sliced off or something horrible, I better be wearing something cute and be able to pose my body so it looked hot and not ugly. Like stick my butt out or something.lol So whoever found my could at least appreciate my awesome booty! lol

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