• November 10, 2017

10 IQ Tests To Prove Your Intelligence

Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Have you ever wondered just how smart you really are? Well, wonder no more! While there’s plenty of back and forth over the viability of IQ testing, especially online IQ tests, we think you can be proud of and tout your scores from these ten interactive tests! Unless it’s really low. Maybe keep that to yourself, then.

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10. Am I Dumb?
9. The Dot Test
8. IQTest.com
7. Culture Fair Intelligence Test
6. BMI Test
5. InductiveReasoningTest
4. Stanford-Binet
3. Wechsler Test
2. Haselbauer – Dickheiser Test
1. Mensa


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14 thoughts on “10 IQ Tests To Prove Your Intelligence

  1. I imagine a lot of people who do bad on them don’t like them. The free IQ test is BS. Take a Mensa test or SAT or GRE. Those are valid tests. Hard though. Dot test hahahahah…These are for blacks, whop have ruined all schools. Everyone of those tests are simple and designed to give you a higher score.

    1. Average Joe That’s incredibly ignorant. There are plenty of people who score poorly on tests and there are plenty of African Americans who excel in academics.

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