• November 15, 2018

10 Times Wendy’s Owned On Social Media

Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Perhaps you've noticed that one of the biggest trolls on the internet lately has a cartoon redhead for a face. Nope, not that ginger! THIS ginger! The best part about this picture is that we didn't have to photoshop it. Yes, Wendy's KNOWS that trolling can sometimes make…

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10 Times Wendy’s Owned On Social Media

Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Perhaps you've noticed that one of the biggest trolls on the internet lately has a cartoon redhead for a face. Nope, not that ginger! THIS ginger! The best part about this picture is that we didn't have to photoshop it. Yes, Wendy's KNOWS that trolling can sometimes make…

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10 Times TV SHOWS Predicted The FUTURE

Welcome to Top10Archive! As we watch them, cartoons are little more than a half-hour of mindless entertainment, but what if there’s something more to them? What if the writers, posed as average Joe’s like you and I, possess time machines? Sure, it sounds ludicrous, but how else would you explain these top 10 times when…

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