Tag: Top5

10 Viruses That Almost Wiped Out The Human Race
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This is the virus - the virus of life... but what about viruses that could have destroyed every person on the planet? Well, sit tight and get your hand sanitiser ready as Sam tells you about 10 Viruses That Almost Wiped Out The Human Race... Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?:…
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10 Parties That Got Ridiculously Out Of Hand
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The Vengabus is coming, and we here at Alltime 10s, like to party. But what happens when these jovial circumstances turn into disasters? These are 10 Parties That Got Ridiculously Out Of Hand! Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do we use for our voice overs?: What camera do…
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10 Most Notorious Gangsters In History
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They're the very best at being bad! From Capone to Fuentes, these are the 10 Most Notorious Gangsters In History! Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do we use for our voice overs?: What camera do we use to film?: What computer do we edit on?: Check out the…
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10 Myths About The Iraq War Debunked
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It's perhaps the defining conflict of our generation, but there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding this war. These are 10 Myths About The Iraq War... Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do we use for our voice overs?: What camera do we use to film?: What computer do…
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10 Stunts You Always Assumed Were CGI
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Hollywood movies are FULL of CGI these days, so it might come as a surprise to you that these movies actually pulled some crazy (and sometimes more expensive) stunts instead of sticking to the ol' computer magic... These are 10 Stunts You Always Assumed Were CGI! Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we…
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10 Most Protected People In The World
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Ahh The Bodyguard... hit movie, hit musical and hit soundtrack. These bodyguards, on the other hand, have to PREVENT hits on some very important/rich people. These are the 10 Most Protected People In The World... Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do we use for our voice overs?: What…
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10 People Who Confessed To Crimes They Didn’t Commit
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These are my confessions... Except they're not, they're other peoples confessions, and they actually confessed to things they didn't do. Crazy right? These are 10 People Who Confessed To Crimes They Didn't Commit. Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do we use for our voice overs?: What camera do…
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10 Kids Who Saved Their Parents’ Lives
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Let's face it, kids can be a bit of a pain sometimes. But, at other times, your pride and joy that you gave life to can actually SAVE your own... here are 10 Kids Who Saved Their Parents' Lives. Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do we use for…
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10 Unsolved Mysteries From Around The World
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These mysteries are more mysterious than the mysterious girl that Peter Andre is always banging on about. These are 10 Unsolved Mysteries From Around The World. Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do we use for our voice overs?: What camera do we use to film?: What computer do…
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10 War Heroes Abandoned By Their Countries
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When you fight for your country, you'd think the very least your country would do, is allow you basic human rights and the things necessary to survive... But sadly, not in these cases. These are 10 War Heroes Abandoned By Their Countries. Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do…
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10 Movies That Changed The World
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There's no business like show business, and movies have quite literally taken over the world, whether that be for individual people, or for the world as a whole. But these films have taken up the mantle of having effected our globe in more ways than we can possibly fathom, These are 10 Movies That Changed…
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10 Unbelievable Discoveries In Storage Units
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The popularity of storage units has exploded since the debuts of Storage Wars and Storage Hunters on TV, and the things people find on and off screen are getting crazier and crazier. These are 10 Unbelievable Discoveries In Storage Units... Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do we use…
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10 Undeniable Consequences Of Climate Change
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It's pretty much a 100% scientific consensus that we're going to face a climate emergency soon. But the effects of that change in climate come in a variety of terrifying ways, some of which you may not expect... here are 10 Undeniable Consequences of Climate Change. Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we…
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10 People Who Could End The World
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THE END IS NEAR, EVERYBODY GET READY FOR THE END OF THE WORLD! But who's going to end it all? Of course, we all immediately think of Trump, or Putin, or Kim Jong Un, but some of these could surprise you... These are 10 People Who Could End The World. Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What…
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