Tag: humans

10 Scary Experiments Done on Humans
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Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Where's the line between curious researcher and mad scientist? Usually around the time when you start testing on unsuspecting humans... Experiments are just a lot of unknowns. So, when we start adding humans and their futures into that equation, ethics start to go out the window and so…
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Top 10 Insane Human Addictions
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Top 10 Insane Human Addictions. Some people just take things too far out of hand where people just can't live without. Whether it is a drug or a object. That is why we decided to give you a list of the Top 10 Insane Human Addictions. TOP 10 NERD - NEW CHANNEL - FAN MAIL:…
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10 Reasons Humans Will Be Extinct in 1000 Years
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With global warming and political unrest, the chances of humans surviving to a Star Trek-like utopia seem to get slimmer every year. In today's video we look at 10 terrifying reasons why humanity definitely won't live to see the light of the Year 3000. Click to Subscribe.. Check out the best of Alltime10s - Where…
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Top 10 Things the World Has Yet to Accomplish
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Top 10 Things Humanity Should Have Figured Out By Now Subscribe: // TIMESTAMPS BELOW ----------------------- CELEBRATE 10 YEARS OF WATCHMOJO WITH OUR SPECIAL EDITION MAGAZINE, LINKS BELOW! Humans have come up with inventions that changed the world and discoveries that altered the course of history – but there are some things anyone has yet to…
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Humans Travelling to Mars! 5 Facts About SpaceX’s Plan
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Humans Travelling to Mars! 5 Facts About SpaceX's Plan Subscribe Elon Musk's Company SpaceX has announced that it intends to sending mankind on a mission to Mars! You've got questions about the proposed expedition, and we've got answers! WatchMojo News presents 5 things that you need to know about the possible future mars expedition. How…
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