• March 31, 2017

10 April Fools Pranks That Went Horribly Wrong

It’s that time of year again… April Fools. Once again, Alltime 10s has found you the ten stupidest, most ill-advised pranks of previous years. From pretending to hang yourself to the Google stunt that got its users fired, this is 10 MORE April Fools Pranks That Went Horribly Wrong.

Music = Busy Lizzie by Tim Garland, Sailing Close To The Wind by Paul Mottram

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10 thoughts on “10 April Fools Pranks That Went Horribly Wrong

  1. My brothers got my mom really good they come running into the house saying that they was getting shot at and that the guys was coming she believed them because like 2 weeks before they was shot after so she starts freaking out grabs my dads gun and starts walking outside down the driveway by then my brothers told her but it was great forgot all about it until you guys just asked

  2. i also kno 2 orther jokes. one time in the netherland a newspaper publicate a story that you can buy a littel box with a buttun and when you pressing it the trafic light ware you drive go on green. Nexst day a lot of people didwant to have it but than they found out they did’t sell them an they did need to go XD. And one time a man did make a half of an sea mine and a mam did it in a canal in a dutch city. Well people did report it and police and stuff did needto came and find oit it was fake. That one man did need to pay the police that town and shops back for the money they did’t make that day

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