10 Celebrities Who HANG OUT With FANS
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Welcome to Top10Archive! It’s not uncommon to hear more about celebrities that are a little less accepting of fan interaction, so we wanted to turn the tables a little bit and honor those that treat their fans like gold. Whether always available for a photo-op or willing to drop everything to visit a sick fan, these 10 celebrities are known for more than friendly to their beloved fans.
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10. Jay Leno
9. Rihanna
8. George Clooney
7. Hugh Jackman
6. Ed Sheeran
5. Ellen DeGeneres
4. Chris Pratt
3. Bill Murray
2. Jeff Goldblum
1. Tom Hanks
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11 thoughts on “10 Celebrities Who HANG OUT With FANS”
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actually supposedly off camera elene digenerus is really rude
666 likes. should i like to make it 667? meh why not
I just seen that.. thanks! xD
We need more celebrities like this! They’re the best! ^^
Three people I would love to meet are Hugh Jackman, Carol Burnett, and
Betty White.
Really the fans made the celebrities who they truly are without the fans
they would be nobody’s.
The ignorance celebrities don’t deserve the fans that they have.
I’m surprised Ellen DeGeneres was on this list, I’ve heard backstage she
can be very difficult with her staff.
Rappers should be a honorable due to the fact that they sleep with there
Where is John Cena?
My parents met Bill Murray. They said he was weird, but a cool and nice
That’s awesome! Well, Bill was really good friends with Hunter S.
Thompson.. could explain the weirdness. xD
Bravo to all the stars that have done good things with their fans and for
their 🙌😀✌🌿