10 Famous People Who Died in Plane Crashes
- 15
Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! I’ve done a lot of flying in my time, and most of those flights I’ve spent wondering what it would be like if the plane were to crash. Among those dark thoughts, I’ve also pondered over all of the famous people who met their demise in that fashion. Which is exactly why we’re bringing you today, the top 10 most famous people killed in plane crashes. Before we get started, we wanted to wish everyone on our list to rest in peace – and also let us know in the comment section below of the people we left off our list.
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15 thoughts on “10 Famous People Who Died in Plane Crashes”
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This list deserves WAY MORE spots than 10.. Who are some people that didn’t make our list?
Payne Stewart.
Stevie Ray Vaughn. It’s not technically a plan crash but, the video did mention one helicopter crash.
Jim Croce Carole Lombard
Randy Rhoads and Carole Lombard
Top 10 Archive you missed Patsy Cline. I grew up and live in the town she was born in. We are very proud of her.
Hard to believe you can’t find/post photos of the actual crashes you are reporting (Davey Allison, Lynyrd Skynyrd, etc.) but it appears to be a norm for this channel.
It’s called “copyright infringement” you wanker.
Jenni Rivera, legendary Mexican singer RIP
Of course I would! Flying is a wonderful experience and learning from mistakes and emergency situations can only help you become a better pilot! 🙂 When I was little I used to be terrified of flying, now I can say I’ve solo’d in a plane.
Ok Carol Lombard. Audi merphey. Amelia herhart. General yamo moto
Otis Redding died in a hotel room.
Seth McFarland was supposed to be on one of the planes that hit the trade towers on 911… He didn’t make the flight because he got drunk the night before and ended up sleeping in because of it..
So sad my their poor souls rest in peace.
Summary Argentina vs Venezuela and the fall of Argentina 🔥🔥