10 Misconceptions Everyone Believes About China
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It’s the most populous country in the world, and possibly the most powerful. But do you know as much about it as you think? Here’s 10 Misconceptions Everyone Believes About China.
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10 thoughts on “10 Misconceptions Everyone Believes About China”
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I guess this video is approved by the Communist Chinese. And for the record, Made in China items still suck.
hey he is from alltime gaming
Comment section filled with dirty commies.
Damn, didn’t expect the voice guy to be hot lol
There is no Taiwan on the map. If you are in China, I will kill you and really believe me.
I liked your older videos where it didn’t show the host. Why copy the other youtube videos such as infoOverload, MostAmazingTop10, et al. It would have been ok if the host of this video didn’t have an ugly face.
Regarding their food… let’s not forget about gutter oil.
I absolutely hate it when people that are faced with facts just shout propoganda. I have seen Americans and Chinese and Russians do this.
Actress aside rest glass formal guess cover.
How dare you not say something negative about China!!! You must be Chinese propaganda!