10 Puzzles Nobody Can Solve
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These puzzles make a Rubik’s cube look easy! These are 10 Puzzles Nobody Can Solve… do you think you could give any of them a crack?
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10 thoughts on “10 Puzzles Nobody Can Solve”
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There is a code in yellow upper side puzzle pieces that stretches all of the video.
The puzzle that looks like this ( : : : ) and you must connect all the dots without lines crossing.
Top 10 video game character idle animations.. somebody do it!
I can see 2triangles in the thumbnail… Holes of a’s
Thank you for uploading
Of course I have 799 years of spare time to figure out how to use less than 17 clues on a Sudoku puzzle 😂
It’s not that any Sudoku puzzle with 16 clues is impossible to solve, it’s that no less than 17 clues will lead to just one unique solution.
#1 sounds like this is what the Stephen King story “The Colorado Kid” was based off of