• June 12, 2018

10 Signs That You’re A GENIUS

Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Have you ever felt that you’re the smartest person in the room? That maybe nobody gets you because you’re just too sophisticated? Well, there are a few ways for you to find out and prove it to those that doubt you. Go through this list of ten items to see just how much of a genius you are!

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10. You’re Left-Handed
9. Your Sense of Humor is Unparalleled
8. You Enjoy the Night
7. You Enjoy a Challenge
6. You Enjoy a Good Book
5. You’re a Worrywart
4. You’re Addicted to Something
3. You Have a Curious Mind
2. You’re Reserved
1. You Talk to Yourself

Voice Over Talent:

11 thoughts on “10 Signs That You’re A GENIUS

  1. I have qualities of 9,8,7,5,4!!!(programming),3,2,1(a little crazy lol). No suprise, my iq has been officially measured as high as 156. Now if only I could get a girlfriend…

  2. 1.left handed-NOPE I am a dumass for my whole life
    2.My sense of humor is unparalled-YUp autistic
    3.Enjoy the night- YUP (playing video games at night, studying up late, reading books till midnight, walking outside at night)
    4.You enjoy a challenge- Maybe, not all the times
    5.You enjoy a good book- YUp read 33 books by now from the beginning of this school year
    6.You are a worrywart- NOpe for this one(I got tons of ways to spend a day and one of them is by sleeping )
    7.Ur addicted to something- Yup i am addicted to reading books(can’t keep track of how much time has spent by as I get lost in the fiction world or even non-fiction books) Video games obviously(Fortnite and League of legends)
    8.you have a very curious mind- YUp OF course
    9.U are reserved- Yup i m god level at math, sports is my type, Godly in Video games too. Santa gave all these gifts damn.
    10.YOU TALK TO YOURSELF- Omg YES! I started talking to myself when i got 12 and I aint gonna tell why for this one but I do Talk to myself everyday and make myself nervous.
    11. YOu subsribed to this channel- Oh YES I AM GOD!

    1. GAMINGwith Darius God
      My iq has been measured at 156.
      10. NO! I am definitely not left handed
      9. YES! I 100 percent have a dark sense of humor. Sometimes I feel guilty about it though.
      8. YES! I enjoy the night. Every night before I go to sleep around 2, I take a walk and think about the day and how my social interactions could have gone better.
      7. YES! I love solving problems. I spend hours working on programming projects in my free time. Usually late at night.
      6. NO! I dont read. I learn through experience.
      5. YES! I worry a lot about social interactions(especially with girls)
      4. YES! I am hopelessly addicted to programming.
      3. YES! Of course I am curious. I spend my time learning all I can about how computers and the world works.
      2. YES! Always have been extremely shy and introverted. I fet burned out even in short social situations.
      1. YES! I talk to myself way too often, it is embarassing sometimes

      Please dont play Darius in solo q

  3. I’m left-handed. But I have learning disabilities I’m afraid. ^^; Want to know something funny? I’m left-handed, my husband is left-handed. But both of my kids are right handed. XD

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