10 Unexpected Things That Could Cause World War 3
- 16
It’s a scary prospect, but the world is currently more volatile than ever. Conflict on a global scale could be around the corner, but its igniting spark could come from somewhere you may not expect… here are 10 unexpected things that could cause world war 3.
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16 thoughts on “10 Unexpected Things That Could Cause World War 3”
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What do you think is the most likely cause of WW3?
When all methods of tranquilizing populations are suddenly stopped.
Butthurt SJW fanboys, I mean Soiboys.
@Seaneiboy Trump is too much of a central planner. He is, however, far far from the central planning of a socialist, like AOC, Warren, and Sanders, who want or see no reason why they should not control every aspect of the lives (economy) of the entire society. They see the world as a table covered with play-dough, sitting there for them to mold however they wish and with pure and only intended consequences, no other factors to consider.
Also, I should add that my comment wasn’t hypothetical. Socialist central planners (Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, the USSR, North Korea, and so forth) have already caused prior huge wars, mass genocides, mass starvations, and nearly caused the nuclear annihilation of most the world (a threat they still pose).
Also, regarding your comment “At least with socialism you can be educated about what central planning is” – I beg to differ on a few points. 1 – Publicly funded education is not characteristically unique to socialism. Public or charity funded education existed very early in the US and far predates the conception of socialism. 2 – Name the socialist country (USSR, Nazi Germany, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, North Korea, Mao’s China, etc) that educated its populace on the horror and tragedy that is central planning. Some people commented or questioned the system, sure. They were frequently sent to prisons, work details, trials, or were merely shot. Only in free countries are these concepts taught in an even close to even-handed way.
Boris Yeltsin, writing of his visit to a random American grocery store –
“When I saw those shelves crammed with hundreds, thousands of cans, cartons and goods of every possible sort, for the first time I felt quite frankly sick with despair for the Soviet people,” Yeltsin wrote. “That such a potentially super-rich country as ours has been brought to a state of such poverty! It is terrible to think of it.”
That’s precisely the type of education you will NOT receive in a socialist centrally planned economy.
The love of money is the root of all evil commonly misspoken as money is the root of all evil. How about a top tenz on phrases that are commonly misspoken and or misused
Number 1….. Me eating my Girlfriends ice cream ….
why has Nostradamus never predicted anything before it happens?
They forgot Trump
We won’t go to war over water. We’ll finally catch the hint of Israel and get off our dead asses a build de-salination plants.
Twice put up and twice put down. Starting in France the war lasting decades starting from 2019. The East shall also weaken the West
If you are going to try to use a quote to make a point, can you AT LEAST try to get the quote right? Saying it wrong changes its meaning. The correct quote is “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.”
And it is very true.
I believe every single option mentioned here will be the cause of ww3. Just look at how screwed up we are its inevitable unfortunately, war makes the world spin round and profit/technological advancements enhanced by ten fold. This is the society we’ve created and it ain’t changing anytime soon.
Thing is, ironically, we are already in a technical world war if you think about it. When has the world ever been at total peace since WW2? We had the cold war until the 90s, then we’ve had melting pot proxy wars during that and ever since. Look at Syria and you can’t tell me that isn’t a ‘world’ war .. sure it may be confined to a few countries, but all the big players are meddling in it by proxy. Will only take a spark to provoke that into wider conflict.
I just hope that if war really does happen that our death is quick and painless