Top 10 Actor Replacements That Totally Ruined The Movie
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Top 10 Actor Replacements That Totally Ruined The Movie
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Whether you want to blame the director, the casting director, or the performer, these are all phenomenal cases of miscasting. For this list, we’re taking a look at actors who usurped famous movie roles, but failed to live up to their predecessors. Our list includes George Clooney as Batman, Julianne Moore as Clarice Starling, Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese, and more! Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Actor Replacements that Totally Ruined the Movie.
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10) Julianne Moore as Clarice Starling
9) Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese
8) Ben Affleck as Jack Ryan
7) Jonathan Bennett as Van Wilder
6) Mary Alice as The Oracle
5) George Clooney as Batman / Bruce Wayne
4) Robert John Burke as Alex Murphy / RoboCop
3, 2 & 1???
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10 thoughts on “Top 10 Actor Replacements That Totally Ruined The Movie”
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Moore is so gorgeous.
I’m pretty sure actor replacements on their own TOTALLY didn’t ruin these movies. People who believe otherwise shouldn’t even watch the movie if the presence of one character over another “ruins the movie experience.”
I never knew there was yet ANOTHER old Inspector Clouseau film.
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The moral of the story is: when a famous voice actor dies or quits, cancel the movie and/or show that your making
So basically you guys are saying they shouldn’t replace the original actor for another actor? Fair enough but what if they had their reasons to replace the character with a different actor?
I don’t think good casting could Terminator Genisys, terrible script.
It wasn’t a movie but Spartacus
Jared Lego as The Joker
I love how George Cloney did apologise for his role as Batman/Bruce Wayne though. Like, he accepted what a bad movie it was and he’s good about it.