Top 10 Ancient Archaeological Sites That Could REWRITE History
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Top 10 Ancient Archaeological Sites That Could REWRITE History
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Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the Internet, I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about the Top 10 Sites That Could REWRITE History…
Soo… the top 10 ancient sites that can rewrite history….some of these have been found, others lay awaiting discovery.
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which of these sites do you want to visit?
🅷🅾🆃 *Тokėns* ► [ ] ◄ *Тоkеns* 🅷🅾🆃
🅷🅾🆃 *Тоkėns* ► [ ] ◄ *Тȯkеns* 🅷🅾🆃
🅷🅾🆃 *Тоkens* ► [ ] ◄ *Тȯkens* 🅷🅾🆃
*ⱣavoCoin* is ȧ сrурtоcurrenсу fȧc̣ilitаting trаnsaс̣tiоns in РAVО ec̣оsystеm bėtwееn grоwers, р̣rȯduсеrs, innȯvаtоrs, rеtȧilėrs аnd sėrviс̣ė рrȯviders. *ⱣАVО* will usė smȧrt сȯntrасts tо suᵽp̣оrt thė fоrwȧrd salе ȯf сrорs, аnd tо sėcurеtrȧnsасtiоns thrȯugh thе mȧrkеtрlасė. *Вlȯc̣kсhȧin* рȯwеrėd *РAVО* аgriсulturаl markеtрlaс̣е will allȯw аll the р̣ȧrticiр̣аnts оf thе eсosystem c̣ȯnvеniеntlу trаdė quаlitу vėrifiеd ȧgriс̣ulturаl prȯduc̣ts using *PАVOc̣оin* аs а sеttlemеnt tȯоl.
None, I want to but I still don’t have a Visa and passport 😔
None LOL
I just want to chill
Cleopatra’s tomb
a) because my answer from about ages 6-10 for “what do you want to be when you grow up?” was an Egyptologist, and would still love to be but pursued a degree in social sciences instead… (why!?!)
b) because the woman currently tracking it, Catherine Martinez is an absolute mega-babe ❤ she’s one of my living heros
Hello! How was your day??❤️
The thought of interacting with the people from The City of Atlantis makes me feel nervous and I don’t know why.
24,600th view
Great video Rebecca!
You guys should do Top 10 Funniest Most Amazing Top 10 Videos
no fortnite.
The Stonehenge is probably just some Celt ruins
Everything about humans of the past is only based on assumptions made about humans of the past. We do not know if they were any less intelligent then those of present, we just think they were. I mean some humans now a days remind me of the description of the intelligence neanderthals had so who is to say that back then some people were not Einstein level. Who is to say that we have not advanced so far in the past and then wiped out that knowledge some how. Be it by our own hand or natures and are only now starting to catch up to the knowledge they had. Lets face it, a million years from now something as simple as a toaster may confuse archeologist who have never seen one. They may believe that we now were not intelligent enough to have made it because they believe they are the most advanced part of human history.