Top 10 Awesome BioShock Powers
- 10
Top 10 Awesome BioShock Powers
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ESRB Rated M for Mature
These powers and abilities put the shock back in BioShock…at they also put the fire, bees, hornets, crows, mind control and telekinesis back in there too for good measure. Check out our picks for the very best of Rapture and Columbia, those biological wonders of science that allowed Jack, Subject Delta and Booker DeWitt get for enough to witness those shocking twists!
Featured in this video:
#10. Undertow
#9. Hypnotize Big Daddy
#8. Charge
#7. Incinerate!
#6. Sonic Boom
#5. Return to Sender
#4. Telekinesis
#3, #2, #1: ?
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10 thoughts on “Top 10 Awesome BioShock Powers”
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Wait,Electro Bolt were in Bioshock and Bioshock 2!
Hoping for a top 10 bioshock characters or a top 10 bioshock audio diaries.
bioshock 2 perfected the plasmids i think like supercharging them
I love your vids
I caught on to that jt machinima reference very clever
whattttt why didn’t you chose call Eleanor or cal big sister it’s
considered as a plasmid
Whenever I used the Incinerate ability I always felt like I was Roy Mustang
from Fullmetal Alchemist.
why is this age restricted😂
Murder of crow is my favorite power from infinite. Why wasen;t it mentioned
on this list?
The ones I used most of the time were:
Bioshock 1-2
-Electro Bolt
Bioshock Infinite
-Bucking Bronco
-Devil’s Kiss
-Shock Jockey