Top 10 Banned Capital Punishments
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Top 10 Banned Capital Punishments
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There are some gruesome capital punishment methods that were banned: Whether it’s something as famous as crucifixion, or something horrible like being boiled to death or lingchi – where small pieces of your body are sliced off a bit at a time, these are definitely some of the most gruesome methods of execution in history and some of the worst ways to die. WatchMojo counts down ten methods of administering the death penalty that have been prohibited around the world.
If you’d like to learn more about executions and criminals that were executed, watch our lists of the Top 10 Infamous Historical Executions: , Top 10 Executed Criminals’ Last Words: and Top 10 Gruesome Methods of Execution: .
00:41 #10: Lingchi
01:29 #9: Crucifixion
02:13 #8: Premature Burial [aka Live Burial]
02:59 #7: Pressing [aka Crushing]
03:47 #6: Boiled to Death
04:35 #5: Sawing
05:19 #4: Drawing & Quartering [aka Dismemberment]
06:10 #3, #2 & #1 ???
Special thanks to our user Brendyn Robertson for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at
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9 thoughts on “Top 10 Banned Capital Punishments”
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Top 10 Appreciated Capital punishments.
Where’s the Brazen Bull?? That would be a horrible way to die.
Does anybody read YouTube comments anymore
cause you know the blood eagle isnt the most painful. its where you chop open the rib cage and pull the persons lungs out and place it on their back making it look like folded wings. if one were to go through this and die without making a sound, they would still be able to go to Valhalla
they should bring these back for rapist and killers. i bet crime rates will be lower lol
Seeing Goemon:
Other people: That hurts
Me: YOU’LL NEVER SEE IT COMING, (starts singing)
Ah, one of the many things American Republicans have in common with the likes of ISIS. Glad to live in the developed world, where execution is not a thing anymore.
Beheading and hanging is still done in alot of first world Asian countries. Beheading seems to be the least painful. Quick death unlike all the others. Hanging only if the neck immediately snaps