Top 10 Biggest Continuity Errors on TV
- 12
The biggest continuity errors on TV still have us scratching our heads. We’ll be going over the mistakes in TV that demonstrate contradictions in established facts within their respective shows. Spoilers will definitely be ahead! Something just doesn’t add up here. WatchMojo ranks the biggest continuity errors on TV. What do you think is TV’s biggest continuity error? Let us know in the comments!
Watch more great continuity related content here:
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12 thoughts on “Top 10 Biggest Continuity Errors on TV”
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NO NO NO It’s D&D/Dumb&Dumber who screw up, not G.R.R.M.
Growing up, my dad was eagle eyed for continuity errors. Every tv show or movie we saw, he’d pick the smallest things out that were wrong. He would always complain that the shows really needed better continuity checkers….. it rubbed off on me, and now I pick out continuity issues all the time, much to the irritation of my girlfriend 😂
OK, we get the point. Season 8 wasn’t very good, but you don’t have to keep going on and on about it.
The Lannister send their regards
I’m the first comment everybody don’t listen to the other people saying first because they’re all lying I’m actually the first one. It doesn’t look like I’m first what I am actually first because I’m from the future then it went back to the past but the past is now the future so I’m in the present which is why I’m not the first on the thing but I’m actually the first for real the first.
Pretty early, worth mentioning I upload waffles every day
Yes You Have Said that Like 100000000000 Time
Mom :lets go to the cinema
Me:Ok mom
*watch* *mojo* *uploaded*
Me: no need mom,i got one in my phone
Ignore my channel
Game of Thrones season 8 was one giant continuity error
Only the second half was bad. First was descent
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I thought they meant game of thrones continuing the mess that was s8