Top 10 Bird Box Funny Memes & Tweets On The Internet
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Top 10 Bird Box Funny Memes & Tweets On The Internet
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The Netflix TV show was amazing. I highly recommend it, and I recommend you watching it before watching this video to avoid spoilers. Bird Box actually hit a record for Netflix for viewership’s. Over 45 million unique Netflix accounts has tuned into the movie staring Sandra Bullock who I think has done an amazing job and is it just me or does she not age anymore. I mean she is 54 yrs old, or I should say years young because she doesn’t look 54. Let me know if you watched this movie and what did you think of it in the comment section below. Bird Box has also created a lot of controversies. A lot of people also took it to the internet to make fun of the film.
#top10 #birdbox #meme
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Landon Dowlatsingh-
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Hosted By:
Landon Dowlatsingh-
Video Edited By:
Lucy McPhee @LucyMcPhee
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10 thoughts on “Top 10 Bird Box Funny Memes & Tweets On The Internet”
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Swear to mother fucken God, it’s God damn Sandra Bullock. Fucken , “lady from the bird box”? Fucken really? She has so many other movies that were great. Fucken “lady from the bird box” , what kinda bullsh-.
Kenshin from mortal kombat is the og of this movie cuz he’s blind and can fight
I watched bord box
It would be boy girl not girl boy because b is before g in the alphabet
It was okay, especially since they didn’t use the red baby demon
It was ok. Reminded me of The Happening. I don’t get the hype, but I hardly ever jump on entertainment band wagons.
*Bird box* Can’t see
*A quiet place* Can’t talk
*Hush* Can’t hear
*Don’t breathe* Can’t breathe?(can’t smell?)
Ur acc idiots she called him Tom after Tom in the movie ?! Were you not paying attention
You’ll be hearing from my lawyer!!
Landon there reaction to the name Tom is because them an who was taking care of them but died saving them his name was Tom too