Top 10 Embarrassing Celebrity Game Show Fails
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Top 10 Embarrassing Celebrity Game Show Fails
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Just because they’re famous doesn’t mean they’re immune to embarrassment! From Aaron Paul’s appearance on The Price is Right, to Jon Hamm getting rejected on The Big Date, these game show moments are sure to make you cringe. WatchMojo is counting down the funniest celebrity game show fails.
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10. Aaron Paul’s Price is Wrong
9. Patricia Heaton Crunches the s
8. Kareem AbdulJabbar’s Mind in the Gutter
7. Joseph GordonLevitt Gets A Little Too Excited
6. Kellie Pickler Misses the Button
5. Jon Hamm Gets Rejected
4. Jason Alexander Forgets His ABCs
3, 2 & 1???
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#AaronPaul #FamilyFeud #SnoopDogg
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10 thoughts on “Top 10 Embarrassing Celebrity Game Show Fails”
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that Jon Hamm hair though
what about The GAme on change of hearts lol
Where Top 10 Kamen Riders in WatchMojo.
I adored Kellie Pickler’s pink pumps! 😀
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It looks like Estrada did not even touch Maher. I watched it quite a few times. It looked like he was too far away.
What else could “Pie in the ________” be besides sky? Maybe horse isn’t a good answer, but what else is there?
Andy’s a comedian… 🤔
7:55 what’s the actual answer to that question
Where’s “I thought Europe was a country” ???