Top 10 MCU Mistakes Marvel Wants You to Forget
- 11
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Top 10 MCU Mistakes Marvel Wants You to Forget
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Some things get left behind on this hype train. For this list, we’ll be looking at the missteps and blemishes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that Marvel probably doesn’t want us to ever remember. If you’re not all caught up, there may be spoilers ahead. Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 MCU Mistakes Marvel Wants You to Forget.
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Check out the voting page for this list and add your picks: . Special thanks to our user ninou78 for suggesting this idea!
10) Timeline / Continuity Problems
9) The Timeline of the Infinity Gauntlet
8) “The Incredible Hulk”
7) The Ending of “Iron Man 3”
6) Letting Great Directors Go
5) “Thor The Dark World”
4) Weak Female Movie Presence
3, 2 & 1???
#MCU #Movies #Marvel
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11 thoughts on “Top 10 MCU Mistakes Marvel Wants You to Forget”
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Hi bro! ❤️💪😭
I want to know your location
Homecoming destroyed their timeline.
If representation is what you worry about, you might just be making a bad film. A film needs story, not just politics.
I love this movie. When it was released I firstly saw it in cinema because I am an avenger fan
I love the Incredible Hulk. Why does everyone hate that movie?
5:06 TWO*
Do a list for DCEU, maybe Top 20 or 30?
*Inhumans was so bad I actually did forget about it*
Mojo to marvel: we need more wamen in the movies .
Isnt that sexism ?