• November 28, 2017

Top 10 Most Powerful Gods of Mythology (Zeus, Odin, Jupiter)

Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! At the forefront of most mythologies told ‘round the world were influential deities responsible for the creation and, sometimes, destruction of all living things. For your viewing pleasure, we spent countless hours scouring through ancient texts and scrolls to put together this list.

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10. Tengri
9. Perun
8. Ra
7. Indra
6. Huitzilopochtli
5. Amun
4. Dagda
3. Jupiter
2. Zeus
1. Odin

Voice Over Talent:

15 thoughts on “Top 10 Most Powerful Gods of Mythology (Zeus, Odin, Jupiter)

    1. JessicaRabbit324 , I agree with you on Jim being a awesome God of voiceovers and agree on horses really rocking but believe that Zeus is the Greatest God of Gods !!!
      Top10Archive ROCKS !!!!

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