Top 10 Most Savage Non-Lethal Takedowns
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With skills like this who needs weapons? Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we’re counting down our top ten most savage “non-lethal” takedowns.
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10 thoughts on “Top 10 Most Savage Non-Lethal Takedowns”
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Big boss: I chose you to be in my private army
Unknown guy:………
Big boss: up you go
Unknown guy:…….
Unknown guy:”get to base, look around”……..I seen stuff
Comic book-based games use comic book logic.
hes right about people falling down the stairs being lethal. I dislocated my already broken arm and leg
No no remember they took special pills in the first Injustice so they could take those hits…LoL…hah sorry even I didn’t buy that, least of all when joker explained it
Was totally expecting to see the testicular manslaughter takedown from Saints Row
Narrator’s face is so not needed.
Really being creative with this top 10 list!😁
Now how bout Red Dead ll top ten list please!🤠🐎
Seriously anything Batman does in the Arkham games would be fatal. The fact that they become completely unresponsive is not a good thing I have training as an EMP from doing volunteer work at the local fire department so yeah. Unresponsive, low heart rate, and completely limp body. They’re either paralyzed, or on the verge of death, either way is really fucked up.
Also just a side note.. BATMAN DIDN’T SWEAR NEVER TO KILL!!! Look up the very first issue of Batman ever. He kills a bunch of mental health patients and says and I quote, “They’re better off this way.” He tried to kill Darkside with a gun that fired a bullet made from the same energy his eyebeams are! He nearly got the whole Justice league killed because he had plans to murder them if they ever turned evil. What part about that sounds like a man who swears not to kill? Seriously people always say “Oh Batman never kills anyone.” No he tries not to kill unless he has no other option (sometimes).
Do top 10 yandere girl in video games.