Top 10 Most Unexpected Celebrity Arrests
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There have been a lot of surprising celebrity criminals over the years. The college admission scandal involving Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin is just the most recent of many shocking celebrity arrests. For example, did you know Bruno Mars had a criminal record? Or that Will Smith was arrested for assault? Join WatchMojo as we count down the celebrity arrests we didn’t see coming. And let us know in the comments your thoughts on Felicity and Lori’s crimes. Do you think they should go to go to prison for what they did?
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3, 2 & 1???
#VarsityBlues #LoriLoughlin #FelicityHuffman
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15 thoughts on “Top 10 Most Unexpected Celebrity Arrests”
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Do you think Felicty & Lori should go to go to prison for what they did?
WatchMojo.com, Honestly, no. I mean, what they did was wrong, but I don’t think they had to go to prison. I feel like that’s taking things a bit too far.
No, but should be at least shamed or charged.
+Jaylanmaus exactly the basis of my argument is were all selfish so you can stand by your morals but if it were the case for everybody to be moral the school wouldnt have accepted the offers would they think about it these people teach children their trusted by the community yet they are still susceptible to corruption why because at our core we are selfish and if i choose to be selfish and have a better life for my kid im just being human
Yes. They’re the rulers of r/entitledparents pretty much
It’s sad how much hollyweird can get away with when it’s breaking the law.
I can’t wait for Jussie ‘This is MAGA Country’ Smolett to show up over time
Didn’t see Jussie Smollett on this list but then again this list is “UNEXPECTED” celebrity arrests. lol
Winona Ryder is an ACTRESS !!!! not an actor – that is a MALE ROLE !! !! doh!! #language
Tim allen is a SNITCH
No, not Aunt Becky! Nooo!!! :o(
Possession of cocaine and prostitution shouldn’t be illegal.
Top 10 Most Expected Celebrity Arrests.