Top 10 Scariest HAUNTED DOLLS
- admin
- 14
Oh, um, hello there! This here is Chester, he’s harmless, just a little misguided. Oh, pay them no mind, They’re just here for our next horrifying archive – the ten scariest haunted dolls! What’s that, Chester? You think they should subscribe to the channel and click the bell to be notified of our future Archives? Wait, and once the video’s over, they should give it a like and comment “Ade Due Damballa. Give me the power, I beg of you.” I think we should listen to Chester..
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10. Mercy
9. Alice
8. Letta the Doll
7. The Devil Doll
6. Caroline
5. Mandy
4. Pupa
3. Pulau Ubin Barbie
2. Robert
1. Annabelle
Voice Over Talent:
14 thoughts on “Top 10 Scariest HAUNTED DOLLS”
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Do you believe in paranormal activity?
Yes I do
Top 10 Archive I dislike how so many people watch this and don’t leave likes.
lol that intro
Stop praying to the night mother jimbo
Ade Due Damballa
I hate dolls. They’ve always freaked me out.
“Talking Tina” > Annabelle
llongone2 Don’t say that to Chester! 😉
Ade Dua Damballa, give me the power I beg of you
Dewey Decimal System… wait, that’s not right…
315th Like
91th Comment