Top 10 Scary Creatures Seen In Forests
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Top 10 Scary Creatures Seen In Forests
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Honestly unless you’re going camping or bird watching or hiking i don’t know why you’d go into a forest. Like if you’re not doing any of the above what are you doing? What are you looking for in there? The answers to life’s questions? You’re definitely not gonna find it in there mate. But what you may come across and sadly other people have come across too are scary creatures. Creatures that make you wish you were never born, ones that are guaranteed to have you waking up screaming in the middle of the night. These are the Top 10 Scary Creatures Seen In Forests.
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Ayman Hasan:
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Connor Munro:
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12 thoughts on “Top 10 Scary Creatures Seen In Forests”
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Belated happy bday Aman keep up the good work👌
Like so they can see. This might be a short story but it is one that been with me for a while, there was this one time when I was in 3rd grade and it was just a normal day, until I went to the restroom of my school and on the way back to class my body suddenly stopped and I saw a hand reach out from behind me, it was white and had three fingers, but I suddenly was able to move and when I turned around nothing was there, and because it was white as a kid I thought it was slenderman but I am now thinking otherwise because it had three fingers, this event has changed me and to this day i am hoping for the entity to show itself so I can get possible evidence. Thanks for reading if you did!
Strawsberry gaming when I was in third grade I was just doing math😂
You need to be a “hunter” to kill a windego. And they need to be burned to death. Carry on my wayward son.
Only a few people will understand this reference.
I been to the donkey lady brige and I can say it is real and it is creepy
gypsi ortiz did you see any creatures?
I’m from Austin Texas I’m 1 hour and 30 away from San Antonio, I guess I’m going on a trip.
The legend of the goat man is actually that he was a black goat farmer and was tossed by the KKK into the water under the bridge, but when they looked down his CD body was nowhere to be seen
Plot twist: All MAT10 hosts are Wendigo in human costumes
Do a top 10 scary theory’s about paw patrol
E j
Me: thankfully I don’t live there.
Video: the next sighting was in San Antonio Texas
Me: Crap I live there