Top 10 Scary Photos That Have To Be Photoshopped
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Top 10 Scary Photos That Have To Be Photoshopped
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Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing channel on the internet. I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today we are taking things back to basic as we talk the Top 10 Scary pictures that have to be photoshopped….and like… I am almost certain they are… like… what if they arent? What happens then? The world is a scarier place my friend!
#top10 #scary #photo #photoshop #mostamazingtop10
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Landon Dowlatsingh-
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Hosted By:
Rebecca Felgate:
Video Edited By:
Michael Keys:
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13 thoughts on “Top 10 Scary Photos That Have To Be Photoshopped”
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I understand there’s alot of fake pictures & videos clips on the internet.. But you everything you & youre team shows, y’all claim or insinuate that they are ALL NOT real. So why bother? It’s Definetly not a good look for the work you guys are putting out. Try not doubting everything you show in every video. Believe or or not, there are actual creatures & fucked up stuff out there in this world. Not every video or pic is fake. Just a thought from a former-subscriber.
Can someone please tell this stupid girl to SIT DOWN… She stands in front of the pics alllllll the damn time…. SIT DOWN DUMBASS…..
hay can y’all do top ten cartoon of 2000
Nothing to with the vid but think you should do a top ten best musicals. My fav are six, Hamilton and hearthers
Nope that was a real person that face would crack a maniacal smile when he was feeling sad or pain
the first oe is photoshopped
I’ve heard the number 9 is not photoshopped and that he was a real person born with his brother fused into him like one of the babies deformed while the mother was pregnant and fused into their sibling
That spider thing isn’t 100% accurate. The largest spider ever RECORDED is the Goliath Bird eater, but I have actually ran into spiders, normal field spiders, the size of my hand today, if not bigger. Not sure if it was bigger because I was about to touch something so freakishly huge.
10 photoshopped, 9 Photoshopped, 8 photoshopped, 7 photoshopped, lol they are all photoshopped.
I’m only afraid of tiny holes in skin
okay number 10 man me cringe so hard i fell out of my chair
My favourite host as always❤