• May 10, 2019

Top 10 Scary Thanos Theories

Top 10 Scary Thanos Theories
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Hey everyone welcome back to most amazing top 10, I’m your host Che Durena. Who’s the big badass who wants to collect all the infinity stones? Well, it’s Thanos of course, and with Endgame just releasing, there are some pretty wild theories about what’s going on with one of the best villains in Marvel. So today were going to countdown the list of Top 10 scary Thanos theories. Be careful if you haven’t seen Avengers Endgame yet as there will be some spoilers in this video. Make sure you stick around for number 3 because it’s the funniest one on the list and As always make sure you like comment subscribe and hit the little notification bell. And without taking any longer lets get into it.

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Hosted By:
Che Durena:

Video Edited By:
Dylan Lamovsek:

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13 thoughts on “Top 10 Scary Thanos Theories

  1. No. 4 Thanos is actually good….. If he’s actually good he should have just doubled the resources of the universe instead of doing genocide lmao

  2. i think it should be doctor doom and the masters of evil. in the next avengers movie if they make another one, it would be a good way to expand the mcu more with the ddition of the fantastic four

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