Top 10 Shows That Will Become Future Classics
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They may be fairly new, but these are all shows that will become future classics. We’ll be looking at modern TV shows which have remained consistently excellent throughout their runs and which we think will inevitably age well. Audiences will definitely look back on these shows fondly. WatchMojo ranks the shows that will become future classics. What shows do you think will become future classics? Let us know in the comments!
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10 thoughts on “Top 10 Shows That Will Become Future Classics”
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Mr. Robot was great in the beginning and it was my kind of show with the having to watch twice to understand whats going on. But this show was way too difficult to follow after the 1st or 2nd season.
Breaking bad came out in 2008 first, but I think you should have included it. Maybe change the years to 2005 – present
Not even a honorable mention for Sherlock ?
Who else thought stranger things should’ve been there!
Mike Tyson mysteries it’s probably the most underrated adult cartoon if you dont count china il and better than any scooby doo reboot
Hannibal is the most underrated show I can think of
Fargo better be on this
How is stranger things only an honorable mention?
Walking Dead made a few big mistakes, but the biggest was overstaying its due. It could have been a great story had it stopped after 6 seasons tops, but as we all kno it didnt go that way at all and i stopped watching it due to this
I believe Stranger Things should have been on top of this list, especially with Game of Thrones’ horrible last season…