Top 10 Teenagers Who Freaked Out After Given A Life Sentence
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Top 10 Teenagers Who Freaked Out After Given A Life Sentence
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Top 10 Convicts Who Freaked Out After Given A Life Sentence-
At the time of the crimes I don’t know what is going through these convicts minds. Are there heads wired differently than the normal person? What gives these convicts the ability to go through with these horrible crimes.
Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh-
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Video Edited By:
Ryan Wazonek
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11 thoughts on “Top 10 Teenagers Who Freaked Out After Given A Life Sentence”
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Landon, the lawyers have to defend their client. If they didn’t they would be braking the lawyers code and they would be out of a job
Kill murderers
Life means life
I had to pause this video. I know what these moms are going through. My heart goes out to the moms. So very sad.
Hang ’em
I should been hanged
They should double there age so like if they are 13 they would have 13 years in prison and that’s if they are under 18 over 18 normal life in prison
Lifetime sentence in Indonesia:
If you’re 20, you’ll get 20 years.
If youre 30, you’ll get 30 years
And so on…
(At least that’s what my teacher told me 😀
I don’t think it’s right to attack the lawyers. If no lawyer wants to represent the criminal, one gets assigned and they are bound to their clients, they cannot turn their client in unless the client wants to no matter what they believe or what they want. Lawyers who chose these cases are simply trying to find the human in these people, because we all have some. Some are interested in the mentality of those criminals and some are in just for the money. Nonetheless, i don’t think it’s right to accuse the lawyers.
i am willing to forgive but the guy who killed a five year old girl and the 23 (mounths) bro if u tell me sorry u can keep it becouse the words coming out my mouth bro we would fight on the spot
Don’t drop the soap