• January 22, 2019

Top 10 Terrifying Things Said By Astronauts

Top 10 Terrifying Things Said By Astronauts
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Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing channel on the internet. I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about the Top 10 Terrifying Things said by Astronauts in space. I think going to space is just about the coolest thing a person could ever do… but I have to admit the prospect of venturing off and away from planet earth is understandably terrifying. Only around 500 in the history of all time have ever been to space… and some of them have had some scary things to say about what they have experienced!

#top10 #scary #astronauts

Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh-

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Hosted By:
Rebecca Felgate:

Video Edited By:
Theresa Morozovitch:

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14 thoughts on “Top 10 Terrifying Things Said By Astronauts

    1. Also I’m dying to know what the heck Neil meant by that statement and how we could not be going back to the moon to sort that out. How have I never heard about that statement before?!

    2. There absolutely is life out there but it’s really a question of what kind of life exactly. And also whether we will ever even be able to get close to having our hands on it. Or if we’d want to. Also I’m terrified of being in space myself and wish I could get over that because it’s absolutely amazing. Love this list <3

  1. I believe that there is alien life somewhere out there in the universe, I however doubt we’ve gone out far enough to encounter them nor do I believe they’ve reached us yet either.

  2. The Neil Armstrong comments are from a longer radio transmission that was recorded during the mission but it is believed to have originated on earth. The Apollo radio waveband was publicly accessible by HAM radio operators at least to listen in on.

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