Top 10 Video Game Sequels Hated By Fans Loved By Critics
- 11
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A thin line separates love and hate. For this list, we’re looking at critical darlings that garnered some form of backlash from fans. That is not to say these games are considered terrible, just the reviews do not necessarily paint the full picture. Some of these games include Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age II, Assassin’s Creed III and many more! Which of these sequels were you the most disappointed with? Let us know in the comments!
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11 thoughts on “Top 10 Video Game Sequels Hated By Fans Loved By Critics”
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Be sure to check out the history of Mass Effect, to find out more about why so many fans hated Mass Effect 3
Why does this say three days ago
Narration by Ricardo Milos
Every Madden and NBA 2K game over the last few years?
That Battlefield V assessment is woefully off base, and completely intellectually dishonest.
You failed to mention how antagonistic the development team was to fans before release.
Battlefield V wasn’t disappointing because it included playable women or other ethnicities. In WW2 there were all manner of people who fought, from the British Indian Divisions, to The Russian Night witches and The Tuskegee Airmen. The problem with Battlefield V, is that it makes shit up. They could have made amazing, compelling and diverse war stories, but instead they forced diversity where it wasn’t, and ignored it where it was. I find this level of historical ignorance not only disappointing, but insulting to the individuals of all colors, sexes, and creeds who fought to stop the greatest tyranny the world has ever seen.
Critcs have devolved into bribe taking self absorbed hacks, their hatred of King of Monsters and love of Last Jedi is proof of their out of touch with the audience
I played the hell out of MW3
It still makes me throw up in my mouth a little when people try to say cod ghost was good.
To be honest, Destiny 2 can be a disappointment to the extreme short campaign as an agreement but The Crucible, strikes, Gambit never ends and so far some raid are interesting, and some raid meh the two expansions are okay. Forsaken is good. Sometimes it takes time to build a fire team and also you have an app to invite your players. I can still see people are still playing Destiny 2 even worst and best in it’s own way. But I was able to get help with some other players and just barely bought the Triumph t-shirt which is on its way. I feel like Bungie is making a little improvements. And I know I just preordered shadowkeep, hopefully it will push the game forward. Hopefully with some better events. Now we shadowkeep, if there’s any Festival the Lost, I prefer to be on the moon and not on Mercury to be more scary. if Destiny 3 ever comes it will push Destiny 1 and 2 a little bit more better.
more game videos please