• April 29, 2018

Top 10 Ways The Internet Has Changed The World

Top 10 Ways The Internet Has Changed The World
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Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the Internet, I am your Host Rebecca Felgate and today I am talking about the top 10 ways the internet changed the world …and…well…. I mean this whole video wouldn’t be possible without it…so there is that.

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13 thoughts on “Top 10 Ways The Internet Has Changed The World

  1. As a photobuff, while having a digital camera has made life more accessible for me, and I do enjoy sharing photos online, i think it’s insane the things that people take pictures of. Just because you have a camera in your phone doesn’t mean i need to see your over priced pasta.

  2. Always being tracked by the cell phone and always being connected is exactly why I refuse to own one. I dislike talking on phones to begin with and I am not a people person, so having a phone attached to my hip is a big no thank you. If I want you to know where I am, I will tell you before I leave. If I want to talk to you, I will. When I get home. Yep, I am an old fashioned grouch who does not like to be bothered the few times I go out to eat, shop or what not. Unless someone is dead or dying, and sometimes even then, it can wait. I will say I love the internet though. I am able to learn what I want by just clicking and reading. Or in some cases clicking and watching. I have a very curious mind. It also allows me to communicate with friends and family without the use of a phone. And the whole not having to leave the house to shop, a big plus seeings as I am basically a hermit.

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