Top 40 Songs of The Week – November 25, 2017 (UK BBC CHART)
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Top 40 Songs of the Week in UK, ranked by BBC
Best Songs Of The Week In UK November 2017
Best Songs November 2017
A collection of the top 40 most popular songs for this week in The United Kingdom . We do our best to make quality videos that are family friendly and can be enjoyed by all family members including kids and younger audience.
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(United Kingdom) Top 40 Songs of The Week – November 25, 2017
10 thoughts on “Top 40 Songs of The Week – November 25, 2017 (UK BBC CHART)”
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My charlie 💕 💪
860k subscribers congrats 🔥 🔥
40 8’12
39 9’42
38 9’37
37 8’98
36 9’13
35 9’77
34 9’39
33 8’09
32 8’24
31 6’30
30 7’11
29 0’02
28 7’98
27 7’99
26 9’04
25 9’69
24 7’55
23 8’85
22 2’12
21 9’80
20 7’39
19 1’14
18 8’02
17 9’40
16 9’52
15 9’87
14 8’99
13 9’90
12 2’07
11 9’31
10 7’90
9 9’98
8 7’20
7 8’19
6 9’99
5 9’91
4 9’96
3 9’91
2 8’41
1 10 The Best of the world
HAVANAA😍😍💓 slay guurl🔥🔥
Khalid is the only person i hate in this world for singing.Same with Savage 21 and Post Malone just fucking stupid song , Same with Kendrick Lemar “Humble” just what the fuck has gone wrong to singers , seriously worst singing with lyrics , Gucci Gang the same shit. If you want to be popular just do 2 things “Abusive Lyrics” and Some rap shit , worst choice , and some people are hating Havanna i dont know there taste. i guess they dont like lyrics they like abusive lyrics.