Top 5 Apocalyptic Nuclear Bomb Facts
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Top 5 Apocalyptic Nuclear Bomb Facts
World War 3 will likely be a Nuclear war, involving nuclear warfare, nuclear warheads being launched with launch codes and nuclear bombs being detonated all over the world causing a nuclear winter of apocalyptic proportions.
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The murder idea is actually really clever
Stevie T.?
top 10 spoons in movies
Our intelligence tells us that Saddam is building nuclear bombs in heaven!
“That sneaky sun of a bitch” “soo what to you’re saying is we should bomb
heaven” Johnson!
the man who prevented ww3 was reprimanded for pointing out a flaw in Soviet
technology. Not for filling out paperwork wrong.
Fucking stupid Americans they even bombed their own fucking country IDIOTS
Any leader who declares war should then commit suicide! A lot of wars would
definitely be avoided!!
Top 5 most stupid Trump ideas
Lol The one former Soviet Union spy watching this video just flipped out
from hearing about our former nuclear launch codes.