Top 5 Easter Eggs from Assassin’s Creed
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Top 5 Easter Eggs from Assassin’s Creed
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Abstergo? More like EGGstergo! I’ll see myself out…These are the hidden secrets, little jokes and fun little nods to other games that Ubisoft has hidden throughout their flagship action adventure series. Warning: some of these might not be 100% historically accurate. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Easter Eggs From Assassin’s Creed.
#5. Dark Souls
#4. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
#3, #2 & #1: ????
Special thanks to our user “Christine V” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at
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14 thoughts on “Top 5 Easter Eggs from Assassin’s Creed”
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What about mario in ac2?
Theres also a Game of Thrones easter egg in Origins. A spear named “Needle” with the description “stick ’em with the pointy end”
Correction: “Olivier Garneau, CEO of ABSTERGO ENTERTAINMENT”
What about the box from metal gear solid in ac brotherhood?
where is the AC unity easter egg where you found a boat with a homeless man and tons of cats
I find it amazing nobody has mentioned the big reference to Conan the Barbarian yet. It’s in one of the star circles, Khemu asks Bayek what is best in life. Bayek gives his opinion, and Khemu tells what his friend told him. “Crush your enemies and hear ladies cry”. It’s a rough quoting of what Conan said.
You left out the perfect Easter egg back in AC 2, where the statues of ancient assassins have that girl Amulek (don’t remember how to spell her name) as the legendary Egyptian assassin that killed Cleopatra. They both appear in Origins, but Cleopatra’s death happens 10 years after the game ends. It was like a foreshadow from 2009
Gimme one like
Here ya are.
fun fact you can also find a whale in assassin’s creed liberation,if i remember correctly
Watch Dog was suppose to be the continuation of Assassins Creed but in modern day. After they saw how good AC 2 did instead of ending the series with 3 they started to expand it. Corey May was the original writer for AC 1,2,3 and help a little for Brotherhood and Revelations. His original ending was to have Desmond be the ultimate Assassin in Modern Day by the end of AC 3, then hand the rings to Ubisoft where they thought of Watch Dogs to continue the story. I think AC Brotherhood and Revelations where basically trying to milk money and procrastinate for Watch Dogs but probably realized half way thru that they couldn’t do it in time. So they kept making AC games till they could. I’m pretty sure AC Revelations Ezio ending was suppose to be for AC 3, It made no sense that Altier, Ezio & Desmonds story would all end in 2 different games. Corey May probably left because of that. Imagine having a incredible story for a game trilogy and by the 2nd game they ask you to help write 2 more games to help fit in to your original trilogy. Then split your ending in for 2 different games and change your ending by killing Desmond. They should of stuck with the original plan and just do 1 2 and 3 then Watch Dogs. Imagine from 2009 till 2012 you didn’t have a AC game but you got a Watch Dogs trailer that showed you Desmond. Everyone would of loved that.
MegaGhost and the creator of Assassins Creed Patrice Desilets left Ubisoft in 2010 (the same year Brotherhood came out and the original trilogy idea went out the window) to “look for more creative independence”. It’s kinda messed up cause they’ll take over his original franchise (AC) but wouldn’t let him make his new game 1666 Amsterdam.
MegaGhost The original Desmond trilogy idea is for real. Back in 2007 or 08 the creators gave a interview explaining the ending for the original Assassins Creed because it was a big mind fuck for people at the time and in the interview they say the plan is to have a trilogy with Desmond learning all the assassin skills thru the Animus and use his skills and modern day. That’s all true but because Ubisoft originally thought AC was just gonna be a trilogy “I think” they thought of Watch Dogs to be its predecessor. It would fit with there original ending with Desmond in modern day being a assassin. AC 2 came out in 09 and everyone loved it and Watch Dogs started production in 09. I think Ubisoft didn’t expect AC 2 to be as huge of a hit as it was so they scrapped the original trilogy idea and made a AC game every year from 09 to 2015…milking that bitch dry lol.
Wait is this for real?