• June 25, 2017

10 Lies You Still Believe About Space

Space. It’s the final frontier and one of the great unknowns for mankind. But you probably don’t even know what you don’t know about it. So sit back and find out why your 4th grade science teacher was probably completely off.

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12 thoughts on “10 Lies You Still Believe About Space

  1. first of all, they’re called stars not suns. secondly, the laws of physics break down when it comes to black holes. no one knows how a black hole really works or if they have a limit to their gravitational pull. they can absorb light where it can’t escape so it probably has no limits to its pull. lastly, everyone knows pictures of distant galaxies and nebulae are photoshopped. Who is stupid enough to believe that the Hubble deep field is as detailed as we’ve seen it. 12 billion plus light years away.

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