10 Crimes Solved On Facebook
- 15
If you fancy yourself as a bit of a Sherlock Holmes, it seems Facebook is the the place to be for crime solving!
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15 thoughts on “10 Crimes Solved On Facebook”
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Awesome to see how Facebook has been used to catch some pretty unscrupulous people! Which of these did you find the most impressive?
Alltime10s I found all of these interesting. Just goes to say many want their 15 minutes of fame or shall we say shame
#2 is pure retarded. No need to explain why I think.
Alltime10s do a “top 10 best videos on pornhub”.
the one were the thief returned all the stuff that was stolen, without the cops being involved.
The one with the dad live streaming was impressive, though, unfortunately that’s what it took to get kids to talk, but it worked. Other than that, since MySpace launched and all this behavior started, I’m really not surprised at all. I have friends who take pics of their weed and show rolls of money they made off drugs lol. Like, what kind of perspective is that? Does it take genius intuition to be aware of how obviously dumb that is? I’ve even seen someone post where he was staying, so people knew how to reach him being he couldn’t go home because there was a warrant out for his arrest lol.
Can you get rid of that annoying fucking fake progress bar
You didn’t even say what No. 5 was charged for wtf
4:05. What? Listen to yourself you make no sense lol
In the internet age, humans find new and interesting ways to be retarded.
I love the video timer at the bottom; nice touch.
Recently close to Montreal a girl had sex with her dog and filmed it, she got reported and arrested
Do top 10 why Martians could be smarter than people
So dumb an annoying that they put that’s retarded time bar at the bottom
discourse total device item shoulder senator darkness kit term crack blow.