• February 20, 2018

10 Old Wives’ Tales Proven True By Science

Carrots will make you see in the dark, Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight. These can’t actually be true right? Well maybe there is more to these than you first thought.

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14 thoughts on “10 Old Wives’ Tales Proven True By Science

    1. There’s a few things I want to address here. First, regarding the whole “hot baths decrease fertility in men” thing I’d like to say that while technically true, it isn’t prolonged exposure to hot water that affects fertility. Heat, in general, has a negative effect on sperm count. In fact, that is the sole reason men have scrotums in the first place: So that the testicles are kept cooler than our core body temp. (98.6° F, or 37° C ).

      Second, as far as barometric pressure being indicative of bad weather, this is true. However, when it comes to changing the color of sunsets, I wouldn’t be so sure. Here’s an article explaining why sunsets are orange and red.

      Now, I’ll admit that the article kinda confused me at first, but TL;DR, the daytime sky is blue, because blue wavelengths get scattered first, when the sun is setting it’s light takes longer to reach us, leaving us with orange and red wavelengths, because most of the blue ones were already scattered. My brain hurts… anyway, from what I’ve gathered there doesn’t seem to be much of a connection between barometric pressure, and wavelengths of light as they’re scattered, but who knows, I could’ve missed something.

      Third, I doubt that hairy babies cause heartburn. Now, I can’t debunk this, but I will point out that you did say the sample size was sixty-four; that might’ve just been a mistake on your part, in which case this point is moot. Also, you said that impartial people were chosen to determine the “hairiness” of the babies. “Hairiness” is a relative term, meaning one baby could be hairy in comparison to another, and what one person finds hairy might not be all that bad too another. Again, I can’t debunk this, but I will take it with a grain of salt, and so should you.

      Lastly, I’m fairly certain a spoonful of sugar can’t cure hiccups. You state that “the surge of sweetness over-stimulates the vagus nerve, that connects your brain to your abdomen, distracting it from the task of hiccuping.” This implies that the brain is in control of whether or not we hiccup, which is untrue. Before I explain why, here is some exposition which I promise is necessary. I know this comment is super long, for which I apologize, but I ask that you bear with me for a little while longer, please. Anyway, we are able to breathe because we have diaphragms. When we inhale our diaphragms contract, creating enough space for our lungs to expand as we suck air in. When we exhale our diaphragms expand, reducing the amount of space in our chest cavity, as we force the air out. The reason we hiccup, is because our diaphragm is spasming. A spasm is a sudden involuntary muscular contraction. The operative word here being “involuntary.” Our brains don’t control when our diaphragm (are you sick of that word yet?) spasms, so we can’t distract it in order stop hiccuping. The Vagus Nerve Theory on curing the hiccups is untrue. However, in the interest of full disclosure, I’ve never tried eating sugar to cure my hiccups, so if it does work, it must be for some reason other than “distracting our brains.”

      If you’re reading these last two sentences, I applaud you. I never thought my first comment on YouTube would be so goddamn long.

      Edit: Had to fix the formatting, which inexplicably got fucked.

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