10 Science Experiments That Ended in Disaster
- 10
Science is always a case of trial and error, but sometimes things just turn out in the worst ways possible. From raising chimps to the Stanford Prison Experiment, here’s 10 Science Experiments that ended in Disaster.
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10 thoughts on “10 Science Experiments That Ended in Disaster”
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You still haven’t released the links you sourced in your vegan video
8:10 aaaaand I was born on the 13th anniverssary of that…
This channel is dying
That thumbnail loool !!
Wish I was a mad scientist 👨🏿🔬
With unlimited funding 💰💰💰
And government protection 😈😈😈
How is rocket launches science experiments but I will take it
You failed to tell about syphilis horrible side-effects
That thumbnail though…
How did science make God?