10 Shocking Facts About North Korea
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North Korea is notoriously secluded. But what secrets lie within this country that is so often described as ruthless and even abhorrent? Alltime10s brings you 10 shocking facts about North Korea.
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10 thoughts on “10 Shocking Facts About North Korea”
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Yooooo yooo fuck North Korea
kim jong-un is like hitler
at least they dont create hackers true story
Kim jong un is not even liked by his own mom. She chose death over him
This video is pretty mean, I am pretty sure every country have a few
secrets, cruel or not so why North Korea?
Z-zzzzzz ZZ interesting video but I understand why people in other
countries care…. There are people living in Korea and staying there
because they obviously like it… And even if they don’t like it the people
aren’t working together to overthrow the government so why should anyone
else bother them?…. Some people feel like Korea is better off left alone.
well……. thats stupid if you keep killing you citizen eventually you
wont have a country
North Korea……………… just chillll
most of these are so bullshit… I got a fact for you, Obama is Kenya’n who
was born and raised in sahara dessert as a nomad then Hillary found him and
decided hes a perfect candidate to run for USA president.
Either provide actual facts or call them alltime bullshit 10s
I guess north korea is feeling the bern