10 Weirdest Animal Defense Mechanisms
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Some animals fight and other’s flee, but these fiendish creatures have develop unique and sometime downright bizarre ways of defending themselves in the face of danger.
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10 thoughts on “10 Weirdest Animal Defense Mechanisms”
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Which one of these did you find the weirdest? Also, sorry not sorry for that Avril comment
Hmmmm ♋
Very low audio.. volume is at max and I can barely hear you! 😫😭
My grandpa has tons of killdeers on his property
Anyone else annoyed he sounds like he’s talking into a pillow
Velvet worms of the onychophora phylum, squirt a sticky liquid to immobilize their prey, and for defense against predators.
Most people aren’t aware that hedgehogs sometimes smear scent from other sources, and/or bufotoxins from toads on their hair in a process called anointing in the wild. Tenrecs, not related, but look similar to hedgehogs, use this defense as well. The maned rat of Africa uses the anointing method to smear a toxin on itself from a tree resin for defense called ouabain, which contains glycosides that the natives would tip their arrows with for hunting and could bring down elephants.
The slow loris, a primate, produces a toxin similar to cat dander from its brachial glands near the elbows. Which it licks, and becomes more enhanced mixed with its saliva which usually contains other toxins from its diet. A mother may then groom her young, covering it in the toxic saliva, protecting the young from predators, as well as the adults biting an attacker to directly deliver the toxins.
The platypus has spurs on its back legs which both sexes develop, but only the male has venom, containing C-type natriuretic and defensin-like peptides, as well as nerve growth factor. The females spurs fall off within the first year of life.
Thanatosis is found in many animals too including certain snakes, lizards, birds, fish and bugs as a defense. The harvestmen (daddy long legs) uses this as well as chemical secretion, bobbing, mimicry and camouflage.
Most people know about the poison dart frog, but certain birds in New Guinea consume the same toxin (batrachotoxin) including the blue capped ifrit, little shrikethrush and several species of pitohui from beetles that are related to the ones the frogs may consume. Also, there’re two known frog species in South America that are venomous, and headbutt as a defense while they deliver their toxin through spines on their head. The Greening’s frog is the least toxic of the two, and the Bruno’s casque headed frog which is thought to have a toxin 25 times more potent than the fer-de-lance.
The springbok, which is the third fastest land animal, aside from using its speed to evade predators, uses its leaping method called (pronking) to confuse predators.
Great video, a few small mistakes such as saying the Iberian ribbed newt is a reptile, but you certainly had much more correct info than most YouTube videos!
Wow…this guy sounds like a total idiot. Not only did he spell French Guinea as French Gee-ana (which is hilariously wrong), not only did he imply Avril Lavigne is METAL of all things…but he then seemingly confused the border between Spain and Morocco with THE ENTIRETY OF PORTUGAL! Either get better scriptwriters, better researchers, a better host, a better editor, or all of the above.
Seriously, how did they miss all these errors?!?
The snail on that thumbnail looks like a cunt with Teeths
human defense mechanisms should be on the top of the list i believe