Another Top 10 Cartoons That Were Canceled for Ridiculous Reasons
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Because one list wasn’t enough, we’re giving you another Top 10 cartoons that were cancelled for ridiculous reasons. We’re highlighting more shows that ended due to behind-the-scenes circumstances, and not just bad ratings. If you don’t see a cartoon that you think should be on this list, be sure to check out our original video. WatchMojo ranks the best cartoons that were cancelled for the most ridiculous reasons. Which cartoon do you think was unfairly cancelled? Let us know in the comments!
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Top 10 Cartoons That Were Cancelled For Ridiculous Reasons –
Top 10 Cartoon Characters Hated For Stupid Reasons –
Top 10 Unsettling Cartoon Moments on TV –
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10 thoughts on “Another Top 10 Cartoons That Were Canceled for Ridiculous Reasons”
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I’m surprised the remake of he-man was not on the list?
Why are you saying Samurai Jack was cancelled it did came back with the last season on adult swim
All theses news shows sucks so much
What about when Pinky and the Brain Returned to TV on Nickelodeon?
Wolverine and the X-Men better be on here
Stars wars the clone wars was lit asf
#7?…”You disappoint me Jimmy.”
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Titan maximum why it was cancelled unknown reasons to this very day