• May 15, 2018

Top 10 Robots That Ended Lives

Top 10 Robots That Ended Lives *NEW* CHANNEL - Fortnite Central: Robots can kill - but it's not murder. To murder, you need to have the willful intent and right now, I don't think any robot is capable of that. Despite this, many people still fear robots and their increasing power - some even think…

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10 People Who Have The Power To Destroy The World

As a wise uncle once said, with great power comes great responsibility. These are the people who hold a LOT of power, and could well spell the world's end because of it. Here are the 10 people who have the power to destroy the world. Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?:…

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10 Ways AI Could Ruin Your Life

Humanity has done a pretty good job recently of creating robots to perform things we really don't want to do. But there is certainly potential for this to include decisions that have pretty dire consequences. Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do we use for our voice overs?: What…

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10 Superweapons Currently Being Built

Freeze rays, invisible tanks and nanobots. These may sound like they belong in a sci-fi movie or a Bond villain’s shopping list. But they’re all real technologies being worked on right now. To know more about these weapons and more: check out 10 Superweapons Currently Being Built. Freeze rays, invisible tanks and nanobots. These may…

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