• September 9, 2016

Top 10 Faithful Anime Adaptations of Manga

Top 10 Faithful Anime Adaptations of Manga

A list of faithful anime adaptations of manga series that honour the source materials and create an accurate reimagining of their manga source material. When anime adapts manga series results may vary.

00:50 #10: “Dragon Ball Z Kai” (2009-15)
02:08 #9: “Hunter x Hunter” (2011-14)
03:16 #8: “Hellsing Ultimate” (2006-12)
04:22 #7: “Bakuman” (2010-13)
05:20 #6: “Parasyte -the maxim-“ (2014-15)
06:06 #5: “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood” (2009-10)
07:13 #4: “Kuroko no Basket” a.k.a. “Kuroko’s Basketball” (2012-)
08:07 #3, #2 and #1 ???

Special thanks to our user Ashjbow for submitting the idea on our interactive suggestion tool at

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10 thoughts on “Top 10 Faithful Anime Adaptations of Manga

  1. So wait you heavily scrutinize Naruto for having filler when the other 2
    big ones on thisd list (DBZ and FMAB) did the same damn thing with no
    scrutinizing. Both of them have been done for some time now and Naruto is
    just [kinda] finishing. To the point it is not on the list. Come on now.

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