Top 10 Scary Gut Feeling Stories
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Top 10 Scary Gut Feeling Stories
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Have you ever had that feeling in the pit of your stomach that something just isnโt quite right? You donโt know where its coming from – you canโt even explain it to anyone else – but you can sense that something is going to go badly – for you – for your family, your friends or maybe even someone you donโt even know. Have you ever acted on that feeling? Have you ever trusted your gut? I found some creepy stories of people who did – and it may have saved them. My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Gut Feeling Stories.
#top10 #scary #gutfeeling
Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh-
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Danny Burke:
Video Edited By:
Theresa Morozovitch:
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Apnar video gulo onek sundor hoy,dekte one valo lage,๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐
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Could you do a video on sleep Paralysis?
To answer all ur questions from the end, yes, yes, im not sure
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Danish Urban legens plzzzzz
I have a dream almost every night that there bees a black thing in my house and when I open the door i wake up until a week later i entered the door and I seen it the black thing it ran at me and scratch my leg the next day I sour that the scratch was on my leg i never had that dream again and you know
my mom told me a story about when i was a toddler maybe 3yo., 24 now.
says she had a dream that someone, she say “an angel”, told her to go check on me.
she went in to my room and took me to sleep with her in her bed room
at some point through the night a small tornado
/Twister passed by our house through a valley maybe 100ft away.
living in a trailer at the time. the wind picked up our wooden porch and flipped it over the house into our back yard hitting a tree.
a tree branch burst through the window sending big glass shards into the bed i would have been sleep in. it could of easily killed me or at least seriously injured.
i have slight memories of seeing the porch flipped over in our back yard.
even though I’m not a very religious, I’d like to believe i had a guardian angel that night.
thanks for videos danny, keep them up!