Top 10 Scary Items That Went Missing In History
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Top 10 Scary Items That Went Missing In History
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We’ve all lost something in our lives, our phone, our keys, our patients for the person who wants to have a full conversation with the cashier while there a huge line behind them. But all these things are pretty small when your looking at the big picture. Well I wanted to know what are some of the more substantial things that have gone missing so I put together today’s list of top 10 items that went missing in history.
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Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh-
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Che Durena:
Video Edited By:
Lucy McPhee @LucyMcPhee
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10 thoughts on “Top 10 Scary Items That Went Missing In History”
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Amber room was made in Poland… And Polish people r lookin for Amber room also there is copy of it.
Space weed 😂😂😂😂
Tomorrow is my birthday 🥰
no, no. Putin is an alien.
I got the Reboot reference! lol
They say the amber room is in a train and train and amber room are in a tunnel ,
Ro-Uh-Nok = Roanoke
who is this guy, his slow talking is annoying
Was gonna like the video until afro thunder mentioned dc
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