Top 100 Songs Of The Week – May 11, 2019 (Billboard Hot 100)
- 13
Top 100 Songs Of The Week May 11, 2019 according to the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
Top Songs May 11, 2019
Top Songs 2019, Best Songs 2019
Top Songs 2019
A collection of the top 100 best songs of the week in April, 2019 in USA according to the official Chart. We do our best to make quality videos that are family friendly and can be enjoyed by all family members including kids and younger audience. If you enjoy our videos please make sure to subscribe.
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13 thoughts on “Top 100 Songs Of The Week – May 11, 2019 (Billboard Hot 100)”
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why most of the songs sounds the same for me? except baby shark lol. Btw, wth?! taylor swiiiiift
None of song is good unsubscribed
Anybody notice that break up with your girlfriend, im bored has been in number 13 since its released..
Good songs
83. I’m so tired
72. Cool
64. Make it sweet
52. Who do you love
50. Youngblood
36. Close to me
24. Sicko mode
23. Pure water
21. Girls like you
20. Better
19. Please me
18. High hopes
17. Eastside
14. Happier
11. Sweet but psycho
8. Dancing with a stranger
7. Without me
4. Sucker
Girls Like You’s peak position is #1!!!!!! not 21
Taylor swift almost jumped to #1 from the bottom of the charts!
And peak position should be 100 not 2.
Hope that’s the record for the most jump up from 100 to the nearly top.
No Michael jackson’s you are not alone holds record for no.#1 in 1week
Xxx rolling over in his grave rn because all these mumble rappers here and not him
Daddy yankee💪💪💪 and ariana grande 💪💪💪👸👸👸😎
Wish Taylor would’ve done the much awaited 100-1 rise but OTR just HAD to block it
No hate for OTR though, it’s an awesome song