Top 10 Upcoming Horror Movie Remakes
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Top 10 Upcoming Horror Movie Remakes
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Who needs horror movies of the past when we’ve got so many great scary flicks to look forward to in the future! Remakes like The Fly and An American Werewolf in London will surely terrify us, while others like A Nightmare on Elm Street and Pet Semetary have us cautiously optimistic!
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List rank and entries:
10. “A Nightmare on Elm Street”
9. “Rabid”
8. “Jacob’s Ladder”
7. “An American Werewolf in London”
6. “The Fly”
5. “Nosferatu”
4. “Grudge”
3, 2, 1. ???
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10 thoughts on “Top 10 Upcoming Horror Movie Remakes”
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They’re all gonna suck
Is nothing sacred?
Disclaimer: do not ever go see pet sematary. If you are very faithful to the book and the original movie, they literally just ruined the movie by adding an unnecessary plot twist, unoriginal characters and literally gave away everything in the trailer!
The Fly (with Jeff goldblum) is a masterpiece.
I’m pretty sure the remake won’t come close.
I came here because of Chucky thumbnail……
So….this is more of a maybe list..
Tony Todd said he wants to play as candyman again
give me that freddy remake
Remember sometimes dead is better (Some movies should stay dead and not be revived so they get a crap reboot
What made Childs play scary was it being possesed by a murderer killing indiscriminately not it being an a.i. gone wrong lame robot. Might as well make a horror film about baby alive